Thursday, April 11, 2013


Exam #2 will be given on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2013 at 10:00 am (Universal Hour).  This will make up for the class of May 2 when I will be out of town.  If you have any situation, please inform me before April 17.  Class will be in PH-Ext 201 (our classroom).

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


When I asked for the class to suggest topics for the blog, one of the topics mentioned a few times was art.  What comes to mind when you think of art?  Paintings?  Sculptures?  Drawings?  Sure, all of them are forms of art, but there is a lot more.  Then there are some forms which people don't agree as a form of art.  I'm talking about graffiti.  Many people see it as a form of vandalism.  What do you think?  What is art for you?

Here's a website that I found once while surfing on the web.  I think the guy is awesome!  Go to the website and click on his works of art.  Some of them have a video to show you how it was done.  Enjoy!

Now watch the youtube video.....another form of art.  This was done by a graphic design student (Francisco Quinones).

Task:  Answer the following question.  Make sure to copy the question and then give your answer.  Leave a space between each response.

1.  What is art for you?
2.  Do you consider graffiti a form of art or vandalism?  Explain.
3.  What did you think about the artist Phil? 
4.  Which work(s) of art impressed you the most? Why?
5.  What did you think about the youtube video?
6.  Which transformation(s) did you like the most?  Why?

DATE DUE:  April 16, 2013