Monday, May 13, 2013


Check Blackboard for new announcement.  A copy of the rubric that will be used to correct your final essay has been posted.  Make sure to read it carefully.  This will help you to meet with all the criteria.

Remember that on Tuesday, May 14 I will be giving make up exams and quizzes.  If you have questions about your essay, please feel free to come to class.  Otherwise, you have the day off. 

See you on the day of the final.  Good luck on all your finals!!  Enjoy the summer!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Our final exam is scheduled for Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 1:30 pm.  On this day you will turn in your final essay including any work done related to the essay (outline, rough drafts, etc.). 

Good luck on all your finals!!


We're approaching the end of the semester.  What does this mean?  A lot of work, final exams, and probably a lot of stress!!  The good news is that then summer vacation begins....unless you plan to take summer classes.  =D

I've enjoyed teaching the course.  It's been a challenge and fun at the same time.  Had a few good laughs.  Hope you've learned something.

Now, for our last blog entry....I would like to get some feedback from you.  Your answers will help me improve myself professionally, so please be sincere. Answer the questions that follow:


1.  What did you like most about the course?
2.  What didn't you like about the course?
3.  What is your opinion about the textbook?
4.  Was this the first time you had a blog as part of a course?
5.  What do you think about the blog?
6.  Which blog entry did you like the most?
7.  Which blog entry did you NOT like?
8.  What is something you would have liked to do in the class that was not done?
9.  Is there something you would change about the course?
10.  What other comment do you have about the class?

TASK:  Answer the questions.  Please copy the question.  Double space between each response. 

DATE DUE:  May 16, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Exam #2 will be given on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2013 at 10:00 am (Universal Hour).  This will make up for the class of May 2 when I will be out of town.  If you have any situation, please inform me before April 17.  Class will be in PH-Ext 201 (our classroom).

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


When I asked for the class to suggest topics for the blog, one of the topics mentioned a few times was art.  What comes to mind when you think of art?  Paintings?  Sculptures?  Drawings?  Sure, all of them are forms of art, but there is a lot more.  Then there are some forms which people don't agree as a form of art.  I'm talking about graffiti.  Many people see it as a form of vandalism.  What do you think?  What is art for you?

Here's a website that I found once while surfing on the web.  I think the guy is awesome!  Go to the website and click on his works of art.  Some of them have a video to show you how it was done.  Enjoy!

Now watch the youtube video.....another form of art.  This was done by a graphic design student (Francisco Quinones).

Task:  Answer the following question.  Make sure to copy the question and then give your answer.  Leave a space between each response.

1.  What is art for you?
2.  Do you consider graffiti a form of art or vandalism?  Explain.
3.  What did you think about the artist Phil? 
4.  Which work(s) of art impressed you the most? Why?
5.  What did you think about the youtube video?
6.  Which transformation(s) did you like the most?  Why?

DATE DUE:  April 16, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Today in class we talked about the economy in industrialized and developing countries.  We also made reference to the economy of Puerto Rico.  The sad reality is the image many people have of Puerto Rico is not a very positive one.  We are seen as lazy people being maintained by the the United States.  However, there is the flip side of the coin.  Here is a video to show politics, just numbers.  What do you think?  (The video is in Spanish.) 

TASK:  Watch the video and then write your reaction to the video.  Did you know this information already?  Was there anything that stood out for you?  (Paragraph: 8-10 sentences).

 DATE DUE:  March 28, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Class will not meet this coming Thursday, February 21, 2013.  To make up for this class, do the following assignment due Tuesday, February 26.

Chapter 2:
  • Part 1 - pp. 47 - 50  Read and do Ex. A, B, C
  • Part 2 - pp. 51 - 60  Ex. B (pp. 51-52), Read and do Ex. A (only question #2), B, C
Remember to check the blog weekly.